Lenten Lunches: The History

One of the great inter-church activities that we participate in is the Lenten Lunches.  We have been doing these lunches for well over ten years.

Some history:  The pastors who meet for weekly Lectionary study, of whom I am one, wanted to reach out into the community.  Our idea was to serve a warm supper once a week to local children who we knew could use the meal.  The turnout was very poor, so the idea was abandoned.  But the volunteers who had gathered from each church still wanted to do something.  So we hit on the idea of Lenten Lunch.  Originally, we held the lunches at Knox and publicized it in downtown businesses.  Take an hour break, have lunch a short worship and return to work recharged physically and spiritually.  We did get a few business folks but mostly seniors from our churches.  So we decided to focus on our seniors.  We moved to Northminster where parking is better and the auditorium bigger.  We now regularly serve 100 folks per lunch.

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