About Faith Place

FaithPlace is a non profit 12 story senior citizens apartment building complex built in 1981.

There are 163 one bedroom apartments, 17 two bedrooms and special needs units which are wheelchair accessible. Applicants must be age 60+ and capable of managing independently. Apartments are shown by appointment only during regular office hours from 8:30 – 4:00p.m. Monday to Friday. If you would like to fill out an application form or make an appointment for an interview please contact Lesley James at 905-576-8619.

There are many opportunities at Faith Place to become involved in activities, to volunteer and to meet new friends.

A hot noon meal is prepared on weekdays and is available to any resident or their guest who wishes to use it.

Facilities include several lounges, a free library, laundry on every other floor, Garbage chutes on every floor and grocery carts. Wheelchairs and other medical equipment are available for loan. Programs include foot care clinics, income tax clinics, monthly blood pressure clinics, A Faith Place “Reporter” newsletter for residents, chair exercise classes twice a week and a crafts afternoon every week. There is a full service independently run hair dressing salon on the premises. Other programs, services, and guests speakers are offered when available. We have a Faith Place Residents Council which sponsors activities such as bingo, euchre, bid euchre, cribbage and shuffleboard. At other intervals, birthday parties, Day trips, pot luck suppers, barbecues and various other social events are offered. Also Residents run a fall bazaar annually and hold a special Christmas dinner for residents.

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For more information please contact office@faithlutheranministries.ca
or call 905-576-8619.